• Бұл бос жұмыс орны мұрағатта. Демек, оның әрекеті қолданушы тарапынан тоқтатылған немесе өзекті емес.
  • Бос жұмыс орны ID PRcb40693e4dc40f

  • Бос жұмыс орны 24.02.2020 жарияланды

Тұрғын үй құрылысы супервайзері (прораб)

500 000 теңгеден бастап
Construction Supervisor Offshore

Бос жұмыс орын туралы ақпараттар
  • Жұмыспен қамту түрі тұрақты
  • Жұмыс тәртібі вахталық әдіс
  • Еңбек жағдайы қалыпты
  • Тағылымдамадан өту Болжанбайды
  • Жұмыс тәжірибесі 6 жыл
  • Білімі жоғары

Жұмыс орындары



  • Engineering Degree or equivalent ( HND).
  • A minimum of 6-8 years of experience in the field of construction of oil and gas facilities and a broad knowledge of all engineering discipline requirements, including 3 years in a supervisory role.
  • A comprehensive understanding of HSE management and unwavering commitment to personal responsibility for site safety.
  • Experience at managing safety of entire construction site.
  • Broad knowledge of all engineering disciplines requirements. Conversant with International, RoK standards.
  • Tertiary qualification in an engineering discipline would be beneficial, but is not must.
  • A broad knowledge of piping, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, civil and structural design practices and standards.
  • Experience working in RoK or former Soviet Union countries and familiarity with certification requirements (GGTN K, GOST K, etc.) would be beneficial but is not essential.
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of International standards. Awareness of RoK standards would be beneficial.
  • Experience working in difficult locations (remote, foreign, arctic, etc.).
  • Previous experience in Caspian Area and sour facilities would be an advantage

Required Competences:

The job holder must have the following skills and competencies:

  • Strong commitment to safety and ability to educate and persuade personnel to adopt safety rules.
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written.
  • Supervisory abilities and planning capability.
  • Proven ability to lead and inspire dispersed multi-cultural teams.
  • English language skills are welcome but not mandatory.
  • Proven problem solving skills with the ability to apply these skills in emergency situations.
  • Aware of and familiar with issues surrounding high pressure and high H2S facilities.
  • Ability to work in a team environment, communicate, understand and work within the dynamics of a multi functional, multi cultural environment.
  • Computer literate with good ability in the use of Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel as a minimum.
  • Computer literate.


  • Lead by example in all areas of HSE to achieve zero LTAs.
  • To manage the HSE performance of the Contractor and to ensure that all works under his control are carried out in a safe manner.
  • Provide assistance, supervision, direction and leadership to the Contractor’s crews working in their area of responsibility.
  • Overseeing the work on site in their area of responsibility and manage the interfaces between discipline activities.
  • Good knowledge of engineering discipline within their area of responsibility conversant with International and RoK engineering and HSE standards.
  • Assist the other site team groups to meet common project objectives.
  • Assist Contractor in the resolution of day-to-day problems including work interface issues, interferences, material delays, constructability, etc.
  • Supervise the execution of the mechanical completion and handover process prior to beginning commissioning operations.
  • Responsible for developing and updating the detailed construction plan, and interfacing with Lead Construction Planner to maintain the overall integrated plan.
  • Supervise & monitoring contractor’s performance and progress and provide daily progress reports for assigned work area to the Lead Construction Planner.
  • Responsible for the mechanical completion and handover process prior to beginning commissioning operations.
  • Ensuring that proper documentation and as-built drawings are produced in accordance with technical integrity and operational requirements.
  • Maintain daily log / proper correspondence regarding potential contractor issues.
  • Assist with National Employee development plans.


  • Offshore, rotation 28/28.

Резюме высылать на почту: marat.i@kpop.kz 

Жеке қасиеті
  • аналитикалық ойлау;
  • жалпы техникалық дағдылар;

Меңгерген тілдері
  • Қазақ / жетік деңгей
  • Орыс / жоғары деңгей
  • Ағылшын / жетік деңгей
Атырау облысы, Атырау қ.

Skills Enbek-те жаңа дағдыларды оқып үйреніңіз

Сіздің сертификатыңыз түйіндемеде автоматты түрде пайда болады

Жұмысқа орналастыру агенттіктерінің қызметі

ТОО «Kaz Project Operating» - казахстанская компания, предоставляющая высококвалифицированных специалистов в области инжиниринга и строительства для различных нефтегазовых проектов в Казахстане и других странах.

Мы завоевали доверие взыскательных нефтегазовых компаний Казахстана, а также их основных подрядчиков благодаря нашей специализации в области предоставления квалифицированных человеческих ресурсов для осуществления проектно-конструкторских работ, строительного контроля, контроля качества и инспекций, ввода объектов в эксплуатацию, а также для эксплуатации и обслуживания объектов.

Наши основные проекты находятся в Казахстане, но мы расширяем свою деятельность на международном рынке, в частности в России и Азии.

Қызметкерлер саны: 600

  • Ақмола облысы / Зеренді ауданы , Победы көшесі 62 501а
  • Паливала Ирфан Мохаммед Фарукх
  • kamila.k@kpop.kz
  • aigerim.k@kpop.kz
Мансап орталығына хабарласыңыз
Қиындықтар туындады ма?

Бізге техникалық қолдау қызметіне хабарласыңыз, сондықтан біз сіздің мәселеңізді шеше аламыз.

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