• Бұл бос жұмыс орны мұрағатта. Демек, оның әрекеті қолданушы тарапынан тоқтатылған немесе өзекті емес.
  • Бос жұмыс орны ID PR146584c0d603fc

  • Бос жұмыс орны 24.06.2019 жарияланды

Бизнесті жүргізу мәселелері жөніндегі консультант

350 000 бастап 500 000 теңгеге дейін
Business Issues Coordinator

Бос жұмыс орын туралы ақпараттар
  • Жұмыспен қамту түрі тұрақты
  • Жұмыс тәртібі толық жұмыс күні
  • Еңбек жағдайы қалыпты
  • Тағылымдамадан өту Болжанбайды
  • Жұмыс тәжірибесі 6 жыл
  • Білімі жоғары

Жұмыс орындары



·         Higher education or an equivalent degree in law, business/public administration, media and NGO relations, communication, general engineering or a closely related field;

·         At least 6-8 years of experience in the relevant areas with a minimum 3 years of experience that is directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified or an equivalent combination of experience and qualifications sufficient to successfully perform the essential duties of the job as listed above;

·         At least 3 years of experience in working for a major oil and gas company and/or a contractor providing services to one;


·         Integrity/Honesty - Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner. Shows consistency in words and actions. Models high standards of ethics.

·         Confidence and ability to prioritize and perform complex tasks in changing environment. Ability to multitask and work under pressure to meet deadlines.

·         Strong analytical and strategic planning skills.

·         Basic understanding of law, legal procedures and arbitration.

·         Disciplined and proactive organization, scheduling, correspondence and co-ordination skills.

·         Good knowledge of business practices in international oil major companies.

·         Good knowledge of Kazakhstan government practice, politics and structures.

·         Ability to analyze and interpret various set of data related to the activities of a major Oil and Gas Company.

·         Excellent communication and ability to work effectively with diverse audiences.

·         Fluency in written and spoken English.

·         Excellent skills in writing reports, emails, business correspondence and procedure manuals.

·         Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions.

·         Competency with computer based tools including MS Office and SAP applications.

·         Interpersonal Skills - Treats others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. Considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people in different situations.

·         Oral Communication - Makes clear and convincing oral presentations. Listens effectively; clarifies information as needed.

·         Written Communication - Writes in a clear, concise, organized, and convincing manner for the intended audience.

·         Continual Learning - Assesses and recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues self-development.


·         Fluency in written and spoken English.

·         Fluency in written and spoken Russian.

·         Fluency in written and spoken Kazakh.

·         Experience in public and government affairs, graphics/publications, social media and/or communication planning.

·         Experience in finance and accounting.

·         Legal experience or practicing lawyer/advocate

·         General knowledge of offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities operational aspects.

·         Good knowledge of major project controls principles and procedures.

·         Good knowledge of change management, risk and uncertainty management and mitigation concepts.


·         To support Head of Business Issues in his/her role of Process Coordinator of the Issues Management process.

·         To facilitate internal coordination within the Operatorof advocacy positions and actions for resolution of key business and policy issues not resolved at working levels, or those public policy issues that relate to overarching concerns such as the foreign investment or business climate.

·         To coordinate the Operator Issue Teams formation, list of priority issues and issue owners, scheduling and preparation of issue reviews, updates, regular briefings, minutes, memos, archive of news/articles.

·         To monitoring drafting, endorsement and implementation of Advocacy Plans and key position statements.

·         To assure PSA/JOA Relations, RoK Correspondence and Government Relations on appropriately routing correspondence to those internal Company parties who are engaged in specific issues.

·         To verify closely with Legal Directorate so that issues and correspondence are properly managed to maximize chances of favourable resolution in the event of legal challenge or arbitration.

·         To monitor, closely with Government and External Relations, external developments, government and industry trends and news impacting the North Caspian Project, and to advise Head of Business Issues and Venture Relations Manager.


Atyrau city, 5/2.

Резюме высылать на почту: adilzhan.o@kpop.kz, контакты: +7771 121 1096

Жеке қасиеті
  • Интернеттің негізгі білімі;
  • электрондық поштаны пайдалану;
  • басқару командасы;

Меңгерген тілдері
  • Орыс / жоғары деңгей
  • Ағылшын / жоғары деңгей
Атырау облысы, Атырау қ.

Skills Enbek-те жаңа дағдыларды оқып үйреніңіз

Сіздің сертификатыңыз түйіндемеде автоматты түрде пайда болады

Жұмысқа орналастыру агенттіктерінің қызметі

ТОО «Kaz Project Operating» - казахстанская компания, предоставляющая высококвалифицированных специалистов в области инжиниринга и строительства для различных нефтегазовых проектов в Казахстане и других странах.

Мы завоевали доверие взыскательных нефтегазовых компаний Казахстана, а также их основных подрядчиков благодаря нашей специализации в области предоставления квалифицированных человеческих ресурсов для осуществления проектно-конструкторских работ, строительного контроля, контроля качества и инспекций, ввода объектов в эксплуатацию, а также для эксплуатации и обслуживания объектов.

Наши основные проекты находятся в Казахстане, но мы расширяем свою деятельность на международном рынке, в частности в России и Азии.

Қызметкерлер саны: 600

  • Ақмола облысы / Зеренді ауданы , Победы көшесі 62 501а
  • Паливала Ирфан Мохаммед Фарукх
  • kamila.k@kpop.kz
  • aigerim.k@kpop.kz
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Қиындықтар туындады ма?

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