• Бұл бос жұмыс орны мұрағатта. Демек, оның әрекеті қолданушы тарапынан тоқтатылған немесе өзекті емес.
  • Бос жұмыс орны ID PR317cd4579a4021

  • Бос жұмыс орны 14.11.2018 жарияланды

Аудан бастығы (жүк, мұнай құю, желілік және т.б.)

900 000 бастап 950 000 теңгеге дейін
Heavy Lift Transport Superintendent

Бос жұмыс орын туралы ақпараттар
  • Жұмыспен қамту түрі тұрақты
  • Жұмыс тәртібі вахталық әдіс
  • Еңбек жағдайы қалыпты
  • Тағылымдамадан өту Болжанбайды
  • Жұмыс тәжірибесі 7 жыл
  • Білімі жоғары

Жұмыс орындары

  • Playing an active role in the development of the safety culture on the project, making safety a natural part of all work performed.
  • Remain knowledgeable and supportive of all safety policies and procedures and performs assigned duties in a safe manner and, while supervising others, has responsibility for their safety and ensures that they comply with established safety policies and procedures and practice safe work habits. This includes participation in our Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) program and full support of the project’s Injury and Incident Free (IIF) initiatives.
  • Comply with Ethics policies.
  • Adhere to Project Execution Procedures.
  • Responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of plans and execution activities of day to day heavy lifting and transportation activities, including rigging, lifting, the stacking of large process modules and the heavy transport of major equipment items and modules from source to destination, including positioned within tolerance on foundations. 
  • Planning and coordinating module sequencing and transport routings.
  • Coordination with other construction support organizations to  furnish required support services.
  • Be observant to assess the safety of all other project lifting and transport activities encountered day to day and to take responsibility to stop work or otherwise remedy any deficiencies observed.
  • Plan and perform work in accordance with the project schedule.
  • Ensure that work is carried out strictly in accordance with project safety standards and industry best practices.
  • Ensure that all engineered plans / studies incorporate all field conditions that may impact execution, and that they are undertaken in a skilled and professional manner.
  • Review and assess contractors lifting and transport personnel, ensuring that the work is performed to the highest standards.  
  •  Review, assess and approve rigging, lifting and transportation studies, including method statements and risk assessments.
  • Seek out and provide technical advice on matters pertaining to lifting and transport operations, management of change, deviations and / or non-compliances.
  • Provide support to Maintenance Teams as necessary in the detailed execution of preventative and corrective maintenance activities on all lifting and transport equipment.
  •  Be fully conversant with the inspection of lifting equipment, the concept of discard criterion and site inspection, labelling and marking requirements.
  • Adopt safe working practices at all times with a particular emphasis placed on lifting and transport operations thereby ensuring that all work is performed in accordance with statutory and Company procedures.
  • Provide support as and when required to Lifting and transport personnel and HSE teams in determining the lift categorization, lift and transport planning processes and the preparation of risk assessments.
  • Develop and maintain networks and relationships with key peers and colleagues in other areas for the purposes of adopting and promoting best practices, sharing information and ideas whilst keeping abreast of new initiatives and technologies within the Lifting Technical Authority discipline.
  •  Ensure all relevant lifting equipment performance, certification and condition data are recorded accurately for input to the Company's data recording system.
  • Participate in the monitoring and assessment of all project lifting and transport operations.
  • Contribute in conjunction with the HSE department to the Site's safety awareness, effectiveness programs, including recommendations to improve procedures, systems and work practices.
  • Promote a continuous improvement culture within the team.
  • Adhere to the project Health, Safety & Environment policies, procedures and standards.
  •  Fully comply with Code of Ethics and principles.


Жеке қасиеті
  • Интернеттің негізгі білімі;
  • электрондық кестелер;
  • электрондық поштаны пайдалану;
  • тапқырлық;
  • жұмыс ортасын түсіну;
  • пікірталас;

Меңгерген тілдері
  • Қазақ / жоғары деңгей
  • Орыс / жоғары деңгей
  • Ағылшын / жетік деңгей
Атырау облысы, Жылыой ауданы
Жұмыс орны
Тенгиз 28/28

Skills Enbek-те жаңа дағдыларды оқып үйреніңіз

Сіздің сертификатыңыз түйіндемеде автоматты түрде пайда болады

Жұмысқа орналастыру агенттіктерінің қызметі

Найм и подбор персонала

Қызметкерлер саны: 2600

Мансап орталығына хабарласыңыз
Қиындықтар туындады ма?

Бізге техникалық қолдау қызметіне хабарласыңыз, сондықтан біз сіздің мәселеңізді шеше аламыз.

Сәйкес түйіндемелер
Регион соискателя